Restoration Pictures November & December 2004

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

A Type-F phone has been installed in Radio Central

Bill & Dave work on one of the transmitter switch panels

The ATV setup is looking better as more equipment is added.

A lot of work has been done on restoring Sick Bay - Good Job!!

This is a look at the new berthing area that was opened up recently.

Dave shows off one of the OE-82 Antennas that will be restored for Ham Radio Use.

These are the bases for the OE-82 antennas - each ways about 200 pounds

Equipment is being restored to the QMS panel in FACCON-1

QMS Panel with most of the equipment in place

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