Restoration Pictures July & August 2004

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

Ed does some work on the teletype patch panel in FACCON-1

Woody does some work down in the transmitter room

A good view of some of the equipment down in the transmitter room.

Ski and Charlie check one of the electrical panels in Radio Central

Dave & Bill continue work on transmitter switchboard modules.

This is the WWII style radio desk we got on one of the shipyard visits.

Terry works on a connector down in the transmitter room

We now have some WWII radios to put on that desk.

Joe, N2XYZ set up his display at the Gloucester Hamfest in August.

A view of the antenna used for the scanners in FACCON-1

Jean and Charlie sort some of the QSL cards for Lou to file

A couple of old radios we got at the Gloucester Hamfest

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