(radio room 2)

Restoration Pictures from January to June 2002

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

New additions are given temporary berthing until moved down to transmitter room

A delivery of 4 several new "old time receivers" for "Stan's World"

URT/23 in place in xmtr room

Dave & Harry move another radio into the transmitter room

Tom Clarke W4OKW, of Maryland, delivered a National Radio AN/FRR-59 HF Radio Receiving Set on 23 March.

Lowering a radio down the hatches.

Ivan & Kevin help Dave move the FRR-59 to the transmitter room

Even more "old" radios.

Stan's World is slowly becoming a reality with the addition of several "new" old radios & transmitters

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