Work begins on cleaning up the terminator boxes for the antennas
The mast has been replaced and looks good
Twin Stub antennas have been remounted
One of the whips mounted on front of bridge. - picture
courtesy of Harry, AA2WN
Ruben assists Dave, Gene, & Ron as they prepare to climb to the mast
platform to check the cut off cable section for the fan antenna.
Up on the platform you can see where the cables had been cut.
Moving the terminator box for the twin stub antennas to the deck for installation.
Using the man-lift to get the box to the 02 level - the lift wouldn't go
any higher.
Hauling the terminator box up one more level by hand. - many thanks to
the ship's maintenance people for helping
Putting the box in it's final resting place
If you look closely, you can see all of the recently installed antennas
in this picture.
Harry works on connecting the twin stub antennas to the terminal box. -
testing showed the antennas has a flat responce from 9 to 30 MHz.
<<<<<BNJARS Centipede Brigade moves some of the wire
antennas down Broadway
The antenna wires reach topside and
are stretched out in prep for installation