Some Pictures of other Areas on BB62

Restoration Pictures from June 2001

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

Take a look at some "real" extension cords

Just to show you the size relationship!

Dave gives an impromptu lecture about Radio Central to a tour group of volunteers.

Harry takes over the captain's chair on the bridge during our search for audio amps.

A view of the VHF radio room

Rich works on tracing the lines


The first line restored was extension 7665 located in the Armory forward of the Wardroom. Congratulations to all the telephone volunteers for a job well done!

Bill makes the first call

The new System 75 switching system is in place and being tested

Checking out the phone at the supervisor's desk in Radio Central.

Frank works on phone in Radio Central

Rich & Frank work on programming the new telephone switch

Working on the xmtr room telephone

More telephone workers
on the job

Programming continues on the telephone system

Ok, we give up - are the telephone guys using robots now? - that's what this looks like at first glance.

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