Some Pictures of other Areas on BB62

Restoration Pictures taken through April 28

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

Broadway - Level 3, view looking aft

Another View of Broadway

Gyroscope found in
Forward IC room

One of the fire control (guns!!) computers onboard

Moving equipment rack - This rack from VHF Room gave us some trouble - got it only so far & then were unable to move it farther do to the size.

Phone volunteers getting an
orientation about the ship

Finding the signals from the guys
roaming the ship

Ringing out wires from the old switch to the cross-connect panel

Several phone volunteers check out
extenstions & locations

The same room as before, but with all the old equipment removed - new PBX is on board and will be installed in the next few weeks.

Ward Room when we first saw it March 10, 2001 - The accommodation ladder and it's support equipment was stored here at the time this picture was taken.

Picture taken 4/28/2001 - notice how empty the room is. Lots of HPA volunteers worked hard in cleaning up this room.

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