Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station (BNJARS)


| Balloon Launch | BNJARS at Dayton Hamvention 2007|
| Museum Ship Weekend 2007  | JOTA Oct 2007 |

BALLOON LAUNCH - May 4, 2007

      After a few misfires the balloon was launched at approximately 10:30am. The APRS system recorded the first beacon at 1458Z and the last at 1610Z. I a still amazed at how well that system works! The last reported position was only about 600 feet from where we found the payload. Still intact and only minor damage to the lower part of the arrow shaft 2m dipole. The PALCS Near Space Balloon was recovered safely! It landed in a Christmas Tree Farm near Delta, Maryland.


          The last reported position was only about 600 feet from where we found the payload. Still intact and only minor damage to the lower part of the Arrow Shaft 2m dipole.

      To celebrate our success we stopped for pizza at a local shop. Ron, Al and Dave - see Mr. Hutto for your slices (he took home the left overs).

Many thanks to all the BNJARS members who participated in this project.
Harry-AA2WN, Ed-W2KP, Ron-K3ZKO, Al-K2SLA and Dave-KC3AM

BNJARS at Dayton Hamvention - May 18-20, 2007

     One of the biggest draws to the booth this year was a 16 inch projectile we had on display at the front of the booth. You wouldn't believe how many people stopped to check it out.   They all wanted to see if they could pick it up and it was quite surprising to see how many pictures were posed with our "display".

      In addition to the booth we also gave a forum telling about our restoration projects in the Radio Room. Included was some information about "Museum Ships Weekend" which was going to be held in June.

      The biggest thrill for BNJARS was the opportunity to present a special QSL card to Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, NASA Astronaut for the contact we made with him on the International Space Station on New Year's Eve 2005. Many thanks to the ARRL officials who helped arrange a time for us to do the presentation. We were told we could only have a few minutes but once we did the presentation, Bill just wanted to talk and of course we weren't about to turn him down. He was quite enthusiastic about the contacts he made while on the ISS.


Gene, Ski, John S, Joe, and Harry

Dave B, Gene, Harry, Ski, Margaret and John S

Museum Ship Weekend - June 9- 10, 2007

               Another successful Museum Ships Weekend. We had 71 ships from around the world participating. Band conditions weren't the greatest but we were still able to make lots of contacts. Below are a few pics from our event.

15 Museum Ships      45 States      18 Countries
Not bad for poor band conditions.

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA)- Oct 2007

JOTA, 2007, after a shakey start turned out to be quite successful. 4 Cub Packs were represented which totaled 54 Webelos Cub Scouts and 14 adults and leaders. Band conditions proved to be less than optimum, however, we had the boys talking to places like the Azores, Isle of Mann, Italy, Florida, and No. Carolina. JOTA contacts were made on 17, 20, and 40 and 2 m, SSB, TV, and PSK-31.

All of the leaders expressed their thanks for a great day, and many of the cub scouts expressed their personal thanks to our Radio Club and to all those who helped. The 50th Anniversary JOTA patches have all been ordered. Those helping out included Harry, Margaret and Dave, Al, Wayne, Gene, Ray, Ed, Brian, Jean and Lou, Ted, and Rich. Ron Cohen provided TV and 2 M coverage from his home QTH, and the scouts got a great thrill out of seeing themselves and Ron on TV. The Scout units were primarily from the Baysea District located mostly in the Cape May area of the State.

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