Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station (BNJARS)


| Memorial Day 2002 |  Museum Ship Weekend 2002 | 
|10 Meter Contest |

Memorial Day - May 25, 2002

     The ham shack was busy this past weekend with two operating events! On May 25, 2002 BNJARS held a Special Event Station celebrating the 59th Anniversary of the ship's commissioning. Club members racked up a total of 270 QSO's, with 95 contacts on HF SSB and VHF FM, and 175 on CW.

      NJ2BB also participated in the CQ magazine sponsored WPX CW contest. The object was to work as many different stations worldwide with as many unique callsign prefixes as possible.

    The club garnered 175 QSO's for a score of 63,150 according to Activities Chair Harry Bryant. Chris, WK2W, brought in his station and lap top for the CW operation. Our guests got to hear high-speed CW "live and in living color" thanks to an audio setup Chris threw together for the event. The CW station was set up in Radio Central.

     The simultaneous transmission capabilities of the ship were put to the test. NJ2BB was on the air operating CW in public view, while positions Ham-2 and Ham-3 operated SSB. Combined with the 2-meter and 440 activity resulted in 3 HF and 2 VHF/UHF operating stations plus two packet stations, for a grand total of 7 rigs on air at the same time!

Museum Ship Weekend - July 2002

The Museum Ship Special Event weekend was a big success, with 18 members participating. Event coordinator Harry Bryant reported that almost 1200 QSO's were made, using phone, CW and PSK modes. The breakdown is as follows:

Mode QSO's The total score reported was 1172 (there were 18 dupes). The event ran from 0000z on 20 July (8 pm Friday night EDT) until 2300 on 21 July. Horrendous thunderstorms did not deter the operators Friday night, but did cause the food to be dumped onto the deck, forcing participants to eat desserts for dinner!

10 Meter Contest - Dec 2002

The Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station participated in its first official ARRL contest on Dec 15-16, 2001. We participated in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest in the Multi-operator/single transmitter/mixed mode class.

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