(radio room 2)

Restoration Pictures from August 2001

Pictures on these pages are the copyright of Dave & Margaret Burgess and may not be copied, printed,
downloaded or used for any reason, or in any way, without their consent.

The T-368 transmitter arrives & is stored - that's Gene, Ed, Ruben & Stan with the happy smiles.

Cleaning the T-368 before putting it on the ship

Using the forklift to get the T-368 onboard

Almost there!

Stan checking it over in the Wardroom - we took it apart to move it and then put it back together.

A closeup view of the T-368 - Next stop is the transmitter room!

The TDZ gets lifted onto the ship

We had to take it apart to move it into the Wardroom - those pieces were HEAVY!

Putting the TDZ back together - 3 guys to lift just one section

A closeup view of the TDZ - Next stop is the transmitter room!

Plank Owner, Bob Westcott, W2MAS, visits the xmtr room

Sorting out the wires on the xmtr room floor before moving them.

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